The Wenatchee Central Lions Club prides itself on working with local community groups, organizations, schools and individuals to assist with projects and services that will enrich the lives of those involved.  Below are the committees and projects the Lions work throughout the year. 

Yearly committees happen numerous times throughout the year.

CHAPLAIN:  Arranges the Club invocation for weekly meetings.  In charge of Easter Holy Week.  Meets as needed. 

CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS:  Reviews constitution and by-laws and makes interpretations and recommendations to the board for changes as necessary.  Meets as needed.

CONTEST & AWARDS:  Gets the official rules for entering District contests to those wishing to participate.  Awards include: Achievement, Club Inspirational, Club Brochure, Club Newsletter, Club Business Card, Club Excellence, Club Membership, Club Membership Director, Club Scrapbook, Club Website, Convention Attendance, Distinguished Service, Environmental Photo, Musical Comedy, Musical Performance, Secretary Excellence, and Zone Chairperson Newsletter Awards.  Year round participation.

EYEGLASS RECYCLING:  Collects prescription eye glasses.  Sorts the glasses by prescription.  Maintain inventory.  Meets 4 times through the year or when needed.

FLAG PROJECT:  Place flags throughout the community in different areas for 5 major holidays.  Meets when needed to keep updated.

HOUSE:  Manages matters relating to meeting place and meals.  Meets as needed. 

JACKPOT:  Conducts the weekly jackpot which raises money to send people to convention.  Shops for items for awards.  Meets as needed.

KINGSTON MEMORIAL:  Oversees the investment and distribution of the fund balance.  Meets when requests come to the committee.

MEMBERSHIP:  Responsible for fulfilling the Club’s objective of increasing membership and retaining members.  Processes membership applications.  Meets as needed. 

MUSIC/SONG/FLAG SALUTE:  Arranges for song leader and pianist for weekly club meetings and other Club events.  Meets as needed.

NEW MEMBER INFORMATION MEETINGS:  Schedules location for Lions information meetings on a monthly basis, and conducts the meeting.  Meets as needed.

NEW PROJECTS:  Review requests for funds and labor from the community and makes recommendations on them to the board and to the Kingston Memorial committee.  Suggests new fund raising projects to the board.  Meets monthly or as needed depending on requests.

PHONE TREE:  Call on members who have missed quite a few meetings.  Call all members prior to special guests speaking.  Call as needed. 

PROGRAMS:  Arranges for programs and speakers of general interest for Friday or Club meetings.  Meets as needed.

PUBLIC RELATIONS:  Responsible for press releases to local media to inform the community about the Club’s events and activities.  Meets as needed.

SIGHT CONSERVATION/BLIND COMMUNITY:  Administers the Club objectives in providing eye care to those in need.  Arranges for assistance to the blind in the community and facilitates their participation in the Club’s Christmas party, summer picnic and other events.  Meets as needed.

VISITATIONS:  Develops visitation schedule. Encourages all members to attend a visitation to another Lions Club at least once per year.  Meets as needed.



January, February, March, April, May, June
Annual committees are placed in the months when the event will happen

ALL SERVICE CLUB LUNCHEON:  Our club hosts/plans this event every third year prior to the start of Apple Blossom. We will be in charge in 2019 and not again until 2022, as there are 3 clubs.  Kiwanis, Rotary, & Lions.  Luncheon happens in conjunction with Apple Blossom.  Meets January – April.

BUDGET & FINANCE:  Develops annual Club budget and recommends procedures for efficient financial management.  Meets June and July for the next Club year’s budget.

PAST PRESIDENTS’:  Past President’s Day…Calls together all Past Presidents to make up slate of candidates running for next year positions.  Most immediate Past President is in charge.  Starts meeting in February for the March elections.  Meets February – March.

ROYALTY LUNCHEON:  Plans and organizes annual luncheon for the Apple Blossom Royalty candidates & parents for their first speaking meeting after pageant.  Meets January – February.

ROYALTY PAGEANT SELECTION:  Plans, manages and stages the Apple Blossom Festival Pageant in February.  Coordinates with Apple Blossom Festival office.  Meets August-February.  Time consuming and meets often especially closer to Pageant.

SPRING CONVENTION:   Plans and host MD-19 District Spring Convention in our area.  Responsible for scheduling date, securing location, organizing entertainment, food and arranging classes for the event.  Only a committee when convention is in our area.  Meets September - March

WESTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS:  Work with school to honor two graduates who will further their education at WVC.  Meets in April – June.

YOUTH RECOGNITION:  Selects youths recommended by their school for recognition in various categories.  Schedules dates with the program chair. Meets 3 times per year.  November – January – May.  



  July, August, September, October, November, and December
Annual committees are placed in the months when the event will happen

TAILGATE LUNCHEON:  In conjunction with Rotary North.  Schedules luncheon, possible auction, guest speaker.  The luncheon is scheduled in either October or November based on time of speaker.  Used to celebrate the rivalry between UW and WSU and other colleges.  The committee chooses a non-profit as a beneficiary of the luncheon.  Meets July – October or November.

BOYS & GIRLS CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Plans annual Christmas party and lunch for 5th graders from 7 Wenatchee elementary schools, who may not have a very nice Christmas. Organizes other “kids” events as requested by the board.  Meets October – December for Christmas Party or as needed for other events.

 DIABETES AUCTION/DIABETES AWARENESS:  Stage an auction at a Friday meeting to raise money to send diabetic kids to camp.  Two-three months of activity depending on date of auction.  Plan program for the Club on Diabetes Awareness.  Held every other year.  Meets as needed.

LOCOMOTIVE DECORATION:  Decorates the Locomotive by the George Sellar Bridge.  Meets November –January.  

SUMMER PICNIC:  Plans and organizes the annual Lion family picnic.  Usually the picnic is in August.   Meets May – July.

WHITE CANE DAYS:  Raises funds for the Northwest Lions Foundation for Sight and Hearing and the Lions Eye Bank. Responsible for securing location and scheduling volunteers to collect donations.  Major project for White Cane Days is in April or May, but Wenatchee Central Lions does it in October. Brings supplies for Lions to put together at a meeting in September or October.  Meets when needed.

2 times a year committees mean they will happen at 2 different times in the year or more.

AWARDS & INSTALLATION:  Determines the winners of quarterly and annual club awards and plans the annual installation of the new officer’s banquet in June.  Meets quarterly for awards and April – June for installation banquet.

HIGHWAY CLEAN UP:  Organizes clean-up of “Wenatchee Central Lions” portion of Highway 2 at least twice per year.  One time in the spring around Apple Blossom time and the second is in fall usually around “Make a Difference Day.”  Meet as needed.


Committee with only chairs and co-chairs mean that they only need the chair and co-chair but are dependent on Lions signing up to volunteer when the event is happening but do not need to have meetings,

APPLESOX TICKET SALES:  Schedules volunteers to sell and collect tickets at the box office at approximately 20-25 home games of the Apple Sox baseball team.  Meets May-July.  Games June-August.

BIRTHDAYS:  Arranges for recognition of members celebrating birthdays every 3 months.  Meets as needed.

CALENDAR/NEWSLETTER:  Creates and maintains a calendar of upcoming events, to be attached to the newsletter to make members aware of events well in advance.  Publishes weekly Club newsletter.  Committee acts as reporters, covering Club events and personalities and submits these items to the editor.  Meets as needed.

CHELAN COUNTY FAIR TICKET SALES:   Schedule Lion volunteers to sell and collect tickets at the Chelan County Fair in September.  Fair starts on Thursday and goes through Sunday usually the 2nd weekend.  Meets July – August or as needed. 

CLUB HISTORIAN:  Collects current articles and artifacts for the Club scrapbook and archives. If planning to enter the scrapbook in competition with other Lions’ clubs, the scrapbook must conform to specific rules, for example, the scrapbook must start with the installation of officers.  The scrapbook is due (if entered in competition) one week prior to the spring conference in either March or April.  Creativity is a must.  Works in tandem with Club Secretary and Treasurer.  Ongoing.  Very intensive in February and March. 

CLUB WELFARE/NEWS ARTICLE CLIPPER:  Responds to the needs of members arising from sickness or distress and keeps the Club informed about the health of members. Provides for cards, flowers, etc.  Arranges for the transportation of Club members who need assistance to Club meetings.  Clips out of the newspaper articles about Club members.  Meets as needed.

HEALTH-SCREENING VAN:  Schedules Lion’s Mobile Health Screening Van in Wenatchee.  Responsible for securing location for van, publicity of event and scheduling volunteers to work on designated date.  Two month commitment depending on date selected.  Usually get van during the summer.  Meet as needed.

PEACE POSTER CONTEST:  Coordinates with Middle School principals and art teachers in the spring to conduct contest. Forwards winning posters to District Governor in the fall.  Brings posters to a meeting to have members pick out the top 2 posters to send on to competition.  Meets as needed.

ROADSIDE DIRECTORY:  Maintains directory of service club signs near the Wenatchee River Bridge, which welcomes drivers to Wenatchee.  Meets as needed.

SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING:  Arranges for staffing of volunteers to ring bells at select locations for one day around Christmas time in December.  Meets November –December.

SPEECH & HEARING:  Administers the Club’s objectives by providing hearing and speech care to those in need.  Meets as needed. 

THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE:  Creates contest among members to collect food and money for the Salvation Army in November. Starts collecting in November.  Meets when needed.

WEBSITE/LIONS APPAREL:  Set up, coordinate with Lion’s website, and maintain current information on website for Wenatchee Central Lion’s Club.  Also, helps to maintain a company to get Lions logo wear and communicates and purchases for the club and its members.  Meets as needed.



Webmaster:  marciamaloney@msn.com